Nikoleta Sekulovic with Beatrice, 2024, acrylic and graphite on canvas, 194 x 225 cm.
This week sees the inauguration of the second phase of our celebration of artistic responses to the writings of Dante Alighieri with new works by Nikoleta Sekulovic, Jason Shulman, Hepzibah Swinford, Sidney Nolan, and Emma Haworth. |
Jason Shulman, Sickening Worms, 2024, luminous paint on paper, 118 x 88 cm. |
The insects streaked their faces with their blood, which, mingled with their tears, fell at their feet, where it was gathered up by sickening worms.
Dante Alighieri Inferno Canto III, ll. 61-69 (Allen Mandelbaum, 1980)
Sidney Nolan, Inferno III, 1967, screenprint, 102 x 69 cm. |
Inspired by Dante's epic journey through the nine circles of hell, with its travails of torture, injustice, and exile, Sidney Nolan's print series also speaks to the horrors of World War II that he was still grappling with at the time. |
Left: Sidney Nolan, Inferno IV, 1967, screenrpint, 102 x 69 cm. Right: Sidney Nolan, Inferno VIII, 1967, screenprint, 102 x 69 cm.
For flames were scattered through the tombs, and these had kindled all of them to glowing heat: no artisan could ask for hotter iron.
Dante Alighieri Inferno Canto IX, ll. 118-20 (Allen Mandelbaum, 1980)
Hepzibah Swinford, Dante, 1982, oil on canvas, 62 x 73 cm. |
Nikoleta Sekulovic, Beatrice, 2024, acrylic and graphite on canvas, 194 x 225 cm. |
All ye that pass along Love's trodden way, Pause ye awhile and say If there be any grief like unto mine: I pray you that you hearken a short space Patiently, if my case Be not a piteous marvel and a sign.
Dante Alighieri La Vita Nuova (Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1889)
Nikoleta Sekulovic, Beatrice (detail), 2024, acrylic and graphite on canvas, 194 x 225 cm.
behold your heart until 27 April 2024.
Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery2a Conway Street, Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6BA, UK T +44 0 20 7436 4899